Lauren was all excited for us to sing "Happy
Birthday" to her, and it took her NO time
at all to blow out those candles!

Miley had fun at the party too!!

Lauren was soooo excited! It was soo cute!

Mom and Lauren opening gifts and reading
cards, she got alot of nice things! I do however,
think that Auntie Kaleigh is going to have to
buy Miley a vacuum cleaner before

MMMM this cupcake sure is good!!
1 comment:
Thanks for taking pictures of the party!! I appreciate it! I can't take full credit for the t-shirt....stole the idea from Nikki...and Ty actually did 1/2 the work! We had fun making it though! Thanks for helping us celebrate...it was a very nice time and she rode her bike in the basement until 1130 when we had to peel her off of it! Then she insisted sleeping with her bike next to her bed so the ribbon things on the handlebars draped on the bed! It was so cute! She also slept with all 4 catepillars!! What a nice birthday!! (only missing one thing! Grandma!) Luv ya...thanks for helping me get through all of those special moments that are so difficult right now! I just cannot believe she is 3 yrs. old!! Wow....
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