stars with 4th of July sprinkles on them!!
They're even on a stick. These brought alot
of compliments as well :)

cookies and 'Two Sisters Oatmeal Cookies".
Which is the one I wanted to name for Donna.
I combined our two recipes together and called
them 'two sisters Oatmeal Cookies'.
Thanks for all your support through this time.
Ron, Heather, Kaleigh and of coarse Lauren and
Miley all came down to support me as well.
Thanks guys it means alot to have family backing
you up!! Thanks to all my family!! Love ya :)
Overall I am happy with the outcome. It will take
awhile to know what sells and find out what people like!
I had fun with it, and will have more fun each week.
Next week I will get more sleep!! :)
I think you did a fabulous job!!! I am so proud of you for persuing your dream!! Keep up the great work and in no time at all you will establish a name and reputation (a good one...not like your younger years...heehee) and people will keep comming back!! I know Mom is so proud of you also!!! I am proud of you too!!! Luv ya!
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