Loyd and I went over to Kaleighs today
to welcome Lucy and Rue to the family!!!
They are adorable!! I want one now :)
I love Lucy, she just snuggles right up to
you....Rue on the other hand is a trouble
This is Lucy!! She is Kaleighs Guinea pig...

I do believe this is Rue, she is Anthonys
Guinea pig, and on the go all the time!!
She is fun to watch, but i like to cuddle with
them :)

Rue is the one in the back, she has more grey
hair, I tried to talk them into naming them
Donna and Carol, but they wouldn't do it...I told
Anthony to name his Carol cause it has more
grey hair then Lucy does.....lol
This picture doesn't show the true color as
Lucy is a pretty Brownish-red, as is Rue, but
Rue has more silver in her hair. I think it was
to dark when i took the picture....

Lucy....awww so sweet !
Congrats Kaleigh an Anthony on
your new pets, they are both

This is a pic of my latest garage sale find, I got
the angel at a sale the other day for a buck.
Love her, thought she fit right in with my
"sister" corner i am creating! :)