First of all I want to thank Rick for helping Loyd
work on my car-started out needing brakes and ended
up also had to put a wiper motor in it. It is back
on the road again and I am a happy camper!!
Thanks a million Rick :)
I had Donna and Rick over for supper on Friday
night to kinda repay the favor. Later that evening,
about 830 a call comes in from Heather saying
she is coming over cause she has something for me!

Note: the pic in the far right you may remember it
from your Christmas cards! yup Mrs. Claus and Santa!!
Heather took the picture for us and Gail had her make one up for
me in a 11x14 to hang by the rest of my Santa collection, which
consists of two of Loyd and one of Jack!!

This is a closer up picture of it. Gail ordered
one for herself, but hers has gold trim where mine
is black. I was so excited. Thanks so much to Gail and
Heather, yous sure surprised me. I am very pleased with
it. Thanks to everyone Donna, Rick, Gail, Carl, and Heather, oh yeah
Loyd too I guess :) I had a great weekend!!
I also want to thank Heather for the pictures of the girls,
I love them!! They are already framed and up!!
I am oh sooo good :)