Loyd and I were only able to go Friday, but we
truly enjoyed it. It was really neat.
These pictures Brian is waiting for take off!!
serious thinking is going on here!
This is a neat photo. Photos are compliments
of Gail. Thanks Gail, I forgot my camera at
home, I am getting bad!! It really was a neat
experience. I would like to go again
sometime. Although Brians mom never
taught him to share well. He didn't share
any of his money (winnings) with us!!!
Darn........guess there is always next time..
:) right Brian??? lol

of Gail. Thanks Gail, I forgot my camera at
home, I am getting bad!! It really was a neat
experience. I would like to go again
sometime. Although Brians mom never
taught him to share well. He didn't share
any of his money (winnings) with us!!!
Darn........guess there is always next time..
:) right Brian??? lol